Saturday, August 9, 2008


Journal project. Linen covers. Wax, beads, fabric, ink, feather.


4-5 layers of canvas, paper, various fabric, paint.

New Sketchbook. Woot!

A Prototype. Kinda.

Just a little book experimenting with a certain type of binding, called a piano hinge. I have a lot of ideas for the "real thing". This one is now in the hands of my little sis, being smothered with a 9-year-old's sketchy interpretations of bucking horses and dancing ballerinas. I don't mind it one bit.

(Sorry about the photobooth pics. I'm in need of a ca-mer-ah.)


Summer is almost over. Boo. It's been awhile since I updated, but now I FINALLY find some time to post what I've been doing.